This is not a rural pursuit, it’s an industrial process.
To produce the amount of gas the government wants for the ‘Northern Powerstation’ will need thousands of wells across northern England and Continue reading Fracking facts
This is not a rural pursuit, it’s an industrial process.
To produce the amount of gas the government wants for the ‘Northern Powerstation’ will need thousands of wells across northern England and Continue reading Fracking facts
Calls are flying around demanding Councillor Cowling’s resignation. Is she the problem? Well partly, but only in part. This is how RDC works under her regime. The Chief Executive has a proposal Continue reading Ryedale District Conga
We are in a financial mess. It is, however, less than the amount caused by the Second World War. In 1946 the debt was spread over 60 years. That done, successive governments built hospitals, schools and millions of houses; they invested in the future.
It will be the third time John Clark has stood as the Liberal Party’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the constituency following election campaigns in 2005 and 2010. Continue reading Election 2015 – Thirsk and Malton constituency
Election 2010: Ryedale constituency is no more. Most of Ryedale is now part of the new Thirsk and Malton constituency, where John Clark is standing for election. Please visit Thirsk and Malton liberals for more information.