This is not a rural pursuit, it’s an industrial process.
To produce the amount of gas the government wants for the ‘Northern Powerstation’ will need thousands of wells across northern England and Continue reading Fracking facts
This is not a rural pursuit, it’s an industrial process.
To produce the amount of gas the government wants for the ‘Northern Powerstation’ will need thousands of wells across northern England and Continue reading Fracking facts
‘Save our libraries’; ‘Save our buses’; ‘Save our Services’. These are frequent chants since the ConDem government savaged money to Councils. Liberals (not LibDems) would not have gone down the austerity route. Making the poorest and weakest pay for the squandering of the bloated bankers is clearly wrong.
Local councils have very little choice as to Continue reading Party Point – March 2015
Who runs Ryedale District Council? It should be you, the public, through the ballot box; the democratic process. Your elected councillor votes on issues. The outcome decides the policy of the council. Any two councillors can put forward a motion. If this gets majority support then it becomes the policy of the council. Continue reading Party Point – December 2014
“The Chief Executive of the xyz company earns £3m per year”, “A footballer earns £150,000 a week”. Earns? The user has not read much Oscar Wilde. This may be their price but it is not their value. Continue reading Party Point – October 2014
I love Scotland. I would like to live in the same country. I don’t want it to become a foreign country. That’s all, of course, what I want and nothing to do with the Independence vote. The decision is up to the people of Scotland and no-one else. Continue reading Party Point – September 2014
Do we need Trade Unions? In North Yorkshire the majority would say no. Is this a considered answer? Is it an impulsive reaction to the question “Do I want to be inconvenienced by strikes?” I suspect the latter. Continue reading Party Point – August 2014
The media has a collective obsession with the image of Party Leaders. Political Parties fall into the trap that has been laid for them. Ed Milliband is the latest victim of this game. In his case, holding a copy of the Sun. All the London based mainstream parties had their leaders performing the same trick. A little bit of thought should have reminded the Labour leadership of Continue reading Party Point – June 2014
In the 1970’s I joined the ‘Liberal Party’. The future looked bleak while there were battles between employers and Trade Unions. Mrs Thatcher curbed the power of the Trade Unions. At the same time she gave massive support to Transnational Corporations, the EU, big business, the Bankers, Hedge Fund Managers and any other group that is rich and powerful. The 1970’s conflict has been replaced with something worse. Continue reading Party Point – May 2014
A previous Gazette & Herald letter was headed ‘Food for Thought’. The origin of this phrase has been hard to find but may come from the Babylonian ‘intellectual nourishment’.
My thoughts turned to food. At present Continue reading Party Point – April 2014
It rained heavily in December. Thousands of acres of farmland were flooded. Villages became isolated and a railway line was washed into the sea. Floods then hit the well- heeled occupants living in Berkshire and Surrey. In austerity hit Britain the Prime Minister now declared that ‘money was no object’.
For four years the government has claimed Continue reading Party Point – March 2014